This Foundation was established in 1978 by mr. Van Diepen, to guard and manage his collection in the future.
The purpose of this foundation speaks clearly for it self :
“The purpose of the foundation is to acquire, to administer and to exhibit for the public: objects of art, ceramics, glass, prints, carts, photos, byjoux, furniture, curiosa and other pieces of art with historic value, as well as giving in loan these objects to institutions, with a similar aim as this foundation”.
The council of the Foundation is composed as follows:
Mr. J. Kuipers, chairman, secretary
Prof. Drs. A. te Bos, treasurer
Drs. H.B.M. Bemboom, member
Drs. H. van Harten-Boers, conservator/administrator
H.L.F. Siemensma, registrator/conservation employee