Jan Menze van Diepen
Jan Menze van Diepen was born in 1905 in the town Groningen, descending from a family of shipbuilders. At an early age he was fond of art and history.
Collecting was in his blood. In a period of more then 50 years he brought together an important and varied collection.
From his parents he inherited a fondness of Asian ceramics. Expanding their collection he acquired a splendid collection, unique for a private person.
During the second world war he started another important part of the collection: prints and ceramic about the House of Oranje-Nassau (then in exile).
Van Diepen collected not only forhimself. As much as possible he tried to let others enjoy too, by giving in loan his pieces of art for shorter or longer time.
Jan Menze van Diepen died in Haren, on February 26 1994.