Logo Van Diepen Stichting

This Foundation was established in 1978 by mr. Van Diepen, to guard and manage his collection in the future.

The purpose of this foundation speaks clearly for it self :

“The purpose of the foundation is to acquire, to administer and to exhibit for the public: objects of art, ceramics, glass, prints, carts, photos, byjoux, furniture, curiosa and other pieces of art with historic value, as well as giving in loan these objects to institutions, with a similar aim as this foundation”.


The council of the Foundation is composed as follows:

Mr. J. Kuipers, chairman, secretary

Prof. Drs. A. te Bostreasurer

Drs. H.B.M. Bemboom, member



Drs. H. van Harten-Boers, conservator/administrator

H.L.F. Siemensma, registrator/conservation employee